sabato 30 ottobre 2010

Network of European grass-root and small environmental organizations

APK is an organization which supports a network of European grass-root and small environmental organizations.

We are promoting the further development of the network among European organizations.
This way as a member of our network your organization would be able to be involved in the development and implementation of Community policy and legislation, due to our active participation to European environmental issues.

There are no charges linked to join our European network. On the contrary the constant interchange of information about European environmental matters would help your organization be receiving a flux of vital information for your organziation’s development.

Prof. M. Buonomo


APK is an indipendent and not-profit making European organisation, active in the field of climate change  and in protecting the environment at European level and involved in the development and implementation of Community policy and legislation. APK supports a network of European grass-root organizations aimed at strengthening nature and the environment, social conditions and the local economy.

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