mercoledì 3 novembre 2010

IAS in Romania

Dear Friends

just to give you an idea of the seriousness of IAS problem in Romania, just two main points:

1) Two new invasive alien spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in Romanian arachnofauna;
2) present situation in Romania can be described by:
  • Low public awareness and opposition to government intervention;
  • Shortage and inaccessibility of scientific information (for species identification, risk analysis, detection and mitigation techniques etc.);
  • Absence of clear and agreed priorities for action;
  • ease of introduction and movement (e.g. through the post), inadequate inspection and quarantine;
  • Inadequate monitoring capacity;
  • Lack of effective emergency response measures;
  • Outdated or inadequate legislation;
  • Poor coordination between government agencies, States and other stakeholders.

The problem should be addressed as soon as possible through involvement of grass-root organizations

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